Update ChatGpt Gerrit plugin to version 2.1.0

Amarula Solutions S.R.O updates the https://amarula.github.io/chatgpt-code-review-website/ to version 2.1.0
Major updates:
Introduced voting capability, allowing ChatGPT to assign a score to the Change Sets.
Implemented comment visibility filtering based on scores, with a default focus on displaying negative feedback, customizable to user preference.
Transitioned to treating Patch Set review comments as separate entities, moving away from compiling them into a single list.
Implemented a complete lifecycle for review comment resolution. Each comment starts from an unresolved state, with options for users to agree, discuss alternatives, or dispute ChatGPT’s suggestions, influencing the Change Set score.
Blocked the display of duplicate and conflicting comments.
Enabled processing of commands via comments. Command /review triggers full Change Set reviews and /review_last targets the latest Patch Set.
Behavior change:
Reviews of commit messages are now enabled by default.
Minor changes and fixes:
Excluded WIP Change Sets from automated review.
Fine-tuned the temperature settings differentiating between comment queries and Patch Set reviews.
Reduced the size of the message history data payload.
Fixed rendering issues of ChatGPT comments in the Gerrit UI.
Fixed various issues with detecting code snippets in ChatGPT responses.
Fixed review posting issue with out-of-bounds line numbers from ChatGPT.
Stay tuned! https://www.amarulasolutions.com/quotation/